I have driven past Stockport Town Hall many, many times. It’s a stunning building from the outside, but I never knew how fine it is on the inside too. Wedding photography at Stockport Town Hall is nothing short of a joy – from the marble columns and staircase to the leather-bound council chamber where Darryl & Phil got married, it’s a splendid place. Who knew?
Darryl preferred to keep her “bridal preparation” time to her and her bridesmaids, so I met them at Stockport Town Hall rather than going to the house first. I’m always happy to tailor my wedding photography packages to suit the couple, so no worries.
But I’m getting ahead of myself here. The day started – for me at least – with the guests arriving in Stockport, Cheshire. Phil – the groom – can be seen sporting sunglasses in the main picture. I love the “buzz” of a city centre wedding, and the feeling of dynamism you get from having everything going on around you in the photographs.
This was followed in short order by the arrival of Darryl and her cohorts, who I met in the beautiful tiled foyer of the Town Hall. The gallery gave an opportunity for a somewhat more creative approach to the photos, and I’ve tried to capture something of the splendour of the place in these.
Sticking with the girls, I followed them to a wood-panelled room where the final details of the forthcoming wedding were attended to. Smiles all round, which very much set the tone for the day.
Below, the ladies make their way to the Council Chamber to await the start of the wedding ceremony.
Wedding Photography at Stockport Town Hall
The wedding ceremony itself took place in the rather splendid Council Chamber. My job was further aided by extremely accommodating registrars, who told me I was welcome to move around and get the photos I wanted. So that was nice.
Above: I love the natural shots of the ceremony, and look at that arms in the air cheer once the deed is done 🙂 Â Below: I do like a vaulted ceiling, it has to be said.
For the confetti shot I got everyone on the stairs, with a few “throwers” on the balcony above. We then shot the few family groups that Darryl & Phil wanted.
Below: I love these pictures of the couple, Stockport Town Hall lends itself extremely well to wedding photography.
More Stockport city centre buzz 🙂
Wedding Photography at the Old Hall Hotel, Buxton
After that, it was off to Buxton and the Old Hall Hotel for the reception. I’ve photographed weddings there many times, it’s a great venue. I love these natural, relaxed photographs of the wedding reception.
The Old Hall is also right next to the Pavilion Gardens in the centre of Buxton, which always provide some fine photographs. I think you can tell from the mood of these how much fun everyone was having by this point 🙂
That’s all Folks
I had a great day with Phil & Darryl shooting their wedding photography at Stockport Town Hall and the Old Hall Hotel. I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at the photographs.
Are you getting married? I’d love to talk to you about being your wedding photographer. Please contact me and we’ll have a chat.
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